ParksnPeaks Help



There are a number of very enjoyable portable activity programs which you can become involved in including Summits on the Air (SOTA), the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award (KRMNPA), the VK5 National & Conservation Parks Award (SANPCPA) and World Wide Flora and Fauna in amateur radio (WWFF).

The purpose of this site is to provide you with trusted information to assist with in either activating or chasing SOTA and National Park activity.

For more information on Amateur Radio read VK3YSP Joes Amateur Radio Frequently Asked Questions

For more information on how you can participate in SOTA read VK5PAS Pauls Beginners Guide to SOTA.

For more information on Amateur Radio Portable Operation read VK3YSP Joes Amateur Radio Portable Operation Notes


ParksnPeaks started life as a collection of scripts on a computer on my table at home. Combining the SOTA RSS feed with a spreadsheet from Peter VK3PF of SOTA peaks in defined KRMNPA parks. The initial goal was to highlight SOTA opportunities that would also qualify as a contact for a National Park award.

SOTA activity boomed with new associations coming online fast as well as additional state based award schemes (SANPCPA) and the Australia wide National park WWFF. The site was hosted externally and has grown beyond initial objectives.

The site has grown to promote National Park activity in its own right.

ParksnPeaks is now international with the inclusion of ZL National Parks (ZLFF - New Zealand Flora Fauna). Contact Ken ZL4KD for more details.

Current Features Include;

SOTA Information

Summits on the Air (SOTA) is an award scheme for radio amateurs and shortwave listeners that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas.

It is important to note that the SOTA program is not just for mountaineers. There is a SOTA peak for everyone, no matter what your level of fitness. SOTA has been carefully designed to make participation possible for everyone. There are a number of disabled activators and at least one successful blind summiteer. As of January 2015, there were 98 active Associations in the SOTA program, located in about 50 countries around the world. SOTA in Australia commenced in Victoria (VK3) in February 2012 and was followed by South Australia (VK5) in October 2012. There are now Australian Associations in VK1, VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5, VK6, VK7, VK8, & VK9. Currently, only the VK0 Australian Territories are unrepresented.

Visit SOTA for more information then join the SOTA Australia Group.


QRP is low power amateur radio.This is a popular activity that has a lot in common with portable activity.

Visit VK QRP for more information.


World Wide Flora and Fauna in amateur radio (WWFF) is an international and non-commercial program run by the co-ordinators of a large number of National Flora and Fauna programs. The WWFF program wants to draw attention to the importance of protecting nature, flora and fauna’. Amateurs are encouraged to operate portable from designated nature parks and protected nature areas.

The WWFF program is run by the Chairman Lars PH0NO and Vice chairman Max IK1GPG and the national co-ordinators of the member countries. There are currently a total of 41 participating WWFF member countries in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, and the Pacific.

Visit WWFF for more information.


Parks on the Air (POTA) is a non-profit organization which began in the USA in 2018. Since that time POTA has expanded globally and there are approximately 40,000 users in the system. POTA is all about international portable amateur radio operations that promote emergency awareness and communications from national/federal and state/provincial level parks.

POTA is run by Program Administrator and President, Jason Johnston W3AAX along with many other volunteers around the world including the help desk team, country administrators, mapping specialists, programmers and social media group. POTA was inspired by the outstanding work of Sean Kutzko (KX9X) and Norm Fusaro (W3IZ) from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) in 2016.

You can watch POTA spots at Visit POTA for more information.


The Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award (KRMNPA) is sponsored by Amateur Radio Victoria. This award commenced in around 1970.

KRMNPAs aim is to encourage and recognise portable operation in Victorias 45 National Park.

Visit KRMNPA for more information.


The VK5 National and Conservation Parks Award commenced in April 2013 and is sponsored by the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society (AHARS).

This award promotes portable activity from South Australias National & Conservation Parks.

Visit SANPCPA for more information.


PnP Site v2.6.0.1 © 2013-2020 Allen Harvie VK3ARH

PositlLogger Site thanks to Geoff VK8GG

API v1.0.3.1 © 2020 Allen Harvie VK3ARH & Parts © Marc Hillman VK3OHM

Many people have assisted with providing base information as well as updates.

Park Data

‘Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2018, Commonwealth of Australia 2018’

This data download is licensed under the: CreativeCommons Attribution 3.0 Australia License.The data is supplied to the Commonwealth for compilation by States and Territories of Australia and custodianship rests with the source agencies listed below:


Australian Antarctic Division (DoE); ACT Territory and Municipal Services Directorate; Australian Government Department of the Environment; NSW Lord Howard Island Board; Forestry South Australia; Forestry Commission of NSW; NSW Office of Environment and Heritage; Parks and Wildlife Commission of the NT; Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection; Queensland Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing; South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources; Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment; Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries; Western Australian Department of Parks and Wildlife

Images and Sounds

The Solar Data Banner thanks to Paul N0NBH. A pdf presentation that contains tutorials and information on understanding radio propagation, and how to use all the data contained in the solar panels. You can download a copy here.

The Goat Bleat audio is from

The Kookaburra Laugh audio is from

Weather Data

The weather data is © 2012-2016 OpenWeatherMap, Inc.

Privacy Statement

This is a non-profit site that serves to provide information to the amateur community as to portable activities within Australia.

Registration on the site requires you provide personal information including;

If you are not prepared to provide this basic information then don't register.

An account is not required to view activity. An account is only required to add alerts or to use the SMS spotting facilities.

The password is stored encrypted format so I can not access nevertheless do not use a important password.

If you loose your password a email can be sent to recreate to the email address provided.

The telephone number is used to verify SMS spots.

This information is not used for any other purpose.

I will not pass this information on to any other third parties.

I will not send any emails asking for additional Personal Information.


This site is owned and operate by Allen Harvie VK3ARH.

This is a non-commercial, not for profit hobby site run for the benefit of radio community.

I welcome any information that will correct or update current data or identify opportunities with portable radio activities.

This site is not an definitive source but rather, contains basic information supplied by fellow amateurs involved in the various programs mentioned.

Should you detect any inaccurate data or have suggestions for enhancements , I would be pleased to hear from you.

For site assistance or suggestions please send to ParksnPeaks support.


The intention for this site was to satisfy my requirements to identify SOTA and national park activity within Australia.

You are only permitted to access this Website and its contents for your personal and non-commercial use. Whilst I endeavour to ensure that all information provided on the Website is complete, accurate and up to date, the Website and its contents are provided 'as is' and I take no responsibility for any error or omission relating to this information nor will I will not be responsible for any injury or loss associated from the use of any information presented.

This site is the thoughts and work of a mad man. If you use any information from this site and bad things happen, then thats the way it goes. v2.6 Copyright 2016 Allen Harvie